"Güray is a enthusiastic teacher who has helped me to make real progress with learning a difficult language. He knows the grammar back to front, the lessons are fun and engaging and his focus is always on getting me speaking and equipping me with what I need to use Turkish outside of the classroom."
Nicholas Jones - British
Clifford Chance - Lawyer / Associate
“I have been living and working in Istanbul since almost two years. When I have moved to Turkey, I did not know even one single word in Turkish. I have started my Turkish lesson, immediately when I arrived to Istanbul. It is really important for me, to communicate my team and my Turkish business partners in Turkish. SONY is one the most popular global Japanese brand, that’s why my team should be able to speak English. But our Turkish partners, especially who works in Sirkeci area, are not good enough to speak English. Because of that not only me, also other expats, who works for the Sony in Turkey, study Turkish. After two years I am fluent in Turkish and can contact all Turkish people in Turkish and the most important result of that, we got a great success in our business.”
Kazuteru Makiyama - Japanese
Sony - General Manager - Turkey
"I am from Sweden and before Turkey, I have lived and worked in many different countries and I speak five different languages fluency. I moved to Istanbul longer then one year and a few months later I have started my Turkish lesson. I have been learning for one year and now I can manage some simple conversations in my daily life by myself. Even it is not really necessary to know Turkish language for my business, but it makes me feel more comfortable in this country."
Fredrik Stahle - Swedish
Imperial Tobacco - General Manager – Turkey
"This is my first expat experience. We moved here end of last year because of my husband’s business. We have two young kids, one is four and other one is almost two. I used to be a working mother in Paris, but I am an house wife in Istanbul. When we moved to İstanbul, we have easily recognized that Turkish people usually can speak English in office which belongs to international company, but they can not speak English a lot in public place, for instance in a supermarket, pharmacy, grocery even in a bank. This condition forces me to learn Turkish. Because if I would have any urgent case, I should be able to explain my problem to local people. In addition I like to adapt the culture of country where I live."
Astrid Bureau - French
Nike - House Wife